Dear Parents, This week in The Thread study, we looked at a new perspective. While we know that God’s grace is the only solution for our sin, it is important that we recognize God desires our obedience. In this lesson, titled “The Rise and Fall of Solomon,” students looked at God’s covenant with Solomon. Just as with generations before him, Solomon learned that God disciplines us when we are disobedient. By comparing Solomon’s story with the words of Jesus, students clearly saw that throughout time God has singularly desired our whole heart! We looked at the following Scripture passages: 1 Kings 1:28-30; 3:4-15; 9:1-9; 11:1-13 John 14:23-24 While the whole story of Solomon is fascinating, these passages will help you see the highlights that were studied. Next Steps . . . During the week set aside a few moments to discuss these questions with your teenager: · So, this week you studied how God views obedience....