Parent Letter - The Thread, News, and Happenings

Dear Parents,

I hope you are doing well. I have been encouraged by the things I have seen going on around Elevate. I believe God desires to do a good work among our students, and I would encourage you to keep praying that He would work in a big way in our midst. Know that we are praying for you in your ministry of parenthood often. 

Elevate Sunday
This week at Elevate Sunday the lesson was quite heavy, as students looked at a powerful example of sacrificial faithfulness. The discussion was solid and the students dug deep. I hope they enjoyed it as much as I did!

This week, the lesson was entitled “The Offering of Isaac.” The lesson’s purpose was to get students thinking about the idea of faithfulness, even to the point of sacrificing life. We made the comparison how God provided for himself a sacrifice both for Abraham and for us

    We looked at the following Scripture passages:
  • Genesis 22:1-19
  • John 3:16
As you read these scriptures, your perspective will be different than your teenager’s because you will better understand, as a parent yourself, how Abraham must have felt in the situation God placed him in.

Follow Up:
During the week set aside a few moments to discuss these questions with your teenager:
·         So, God provides for those who are faithful to Him. What surprises you the most about how the whole thing went down with Abraham, Isaac, and the ram? (Share your perspective too.)
·         How do you think this event affected Abraham? How about Isaac? (Get real. This is messy stuff that makes you think and grow.)
·         How is this story like the story of Jesus’ sacrifice? (The ram stood in the gap for Isaac. Jesus stood in the gap for us by dying on the cross for our sins.)

Elevate Wednesday
We are continuing our study in the book of Acts this week. Last week we covered Acts 3-4 and this week we will continue to consider what we can learn about discipleship from these first disciples. If you haven't read it in a while I would encourage you to be reading along through Acts with us as we survey this book. It will help you be better prepared to engage with your teen about the content they are hearing. 

Elevate Events
Thank you to everyone who made it out to Games on the Green and our Bowling outings! We had a great time, and are so grateful you let your teen attend. This Sunday evening there is no special activity following the Sunday Evening service, but as always we welcome you to come with your teens to join us for this additional time of worship and teaching. This coming Sunday Pastor Josiah will be preaching, so it might be all that much easier for your student to connect to the service. 

  • Girls night out is this Friday 6 PM - 9:30 PM. Your Junior or Senior High Girl is invited. We will be sending out an email shortly with more info, but if you have any questions about this event please email Krista at -
  • We have started to promote two upcoming Word of Life events. (The Genesis Production, and Reverb) Sing ups are now open. There is a cost for both of these events, but we thought they were definitely worth making available to the teens
  • The next event we have for both parent and teens to get involved in is Grow Tues., Sept. 25th. We would love for you and your student to come out and join us in visiting guests of FBCNPR.

I hope this resource is a useful tool for you and your student. If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to contact me.


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