
Showing posts from July, 2021

Parent Connection 7.25.21

  May Divorce Never Be With You Objective: Stu dents will learn a biblical approach to divorce and be challenged to respond appropriately to those who have been impacted by divorce. Key Scripture: Matthew 19:6 Key Thought: Be the force against divorce Lesson Summary: Ton ight’s lesson was part of a four-part series called “Deal With It: A Biblical Approach to Tough Topics.” In each of the four parts of this series, we will discover the biblical approach to some rather difficult topics. In tonight’s lesson, we took the principles from Scripture and applied them to the topic of divorce.  Before a discussion of divorce, we discussed God’s view of marriage. Not only did the students learn how God instituted marriage, but how God feels about divorce. It is very likely your student has experience with divorce, either in their own family or a friend’s family. With that being said, your student learned how to help others going through a divorce. Finally, we stressed the importance of...

Parent Connection 7.18.21

  How Can I Know That My Sins Are Forgiven? Objective:   Students will understand that forgiveness of sin is available and will be equipped to discuss this truth with others. Key Scripture: Colossians 2:13-14 Key Thought: Freely forgiven and fully alive Lesson Summary: Tonight’s lesson was the final lesson in a four-part series on apologetics called, “Asking for a Friend: Questions You are Allowed to Ask in Church.” We have communicated to your teen that the church is a safe place to ask hard questions. The lessons are designed to help your teen apologetically. The word “apologetics” simply means “a defense for the Christian faith using reason and evidence.” Over the course of this study, we will be answering tough questions that people have been asking for centuries.  Tonight, we tackled the question: “How can I know that my sins are forgiven?” In this lesson, your teen learned that he/she can be freely forgiven by trusting in the death and resurrection of Jesus. W...

Parent Connection 7.11.21

How Do I know The Resurrection Actually Happened? Objective:  Students will understand the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus and will be challenged to share this evidence with unbelievers. Key Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 Key Thought: The evidence shows that Christ arose! Lesson Summary: T onight’s lesson was the third lesson in a four-part series on apologetics called, “Asking for a Friend: Questions You are Allowed to Ask in Church.” We have communicated to your teen that the church is a safe place to ask hard questions. The lessons are designed to help your teen apologetically. The word “apologetics” simply means “a defense for the Christian faith using reason and evidence.” Over the course of this study, we will be answering tough questions that people have been asking for centuries. Tonight, we tackled the question, “How Do I Know the Resurrection Actually Happened?” We began by examining the evidence for the resurrection found in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8. These ver...

Parent Connection 7.4.21

  How Can I Know That Jesus Is God? Objective:  Students will be able to defend the belief that Jesus is God while those who do not believe that Jesus is God will be challenged to consider the evidence for His deity. Key Scripture: John 10:30 Key Thought: Is Jesus a Liar, Lunatic, or Lord? Lesson Summary: Tonight’s lesson was the second lesson of a four-part series called “Asking for a Friend: Questions You are Allowed to Ask in Church.” We looked at the question, “How can I know that Jesus is God?” Jesus Christ claimed to be God (John 10:30-33). This is a bold claim, one that many people have questioned throughout the ages. We explained to your teen that it is okay to ask questions like, “How can I know that Jesus is God?”  The writer and former atheist turned Christian, C. S. Lewis, essentially boiled the answer to this question down to three possible options: Jesus was either a Liar, a Lunatic, or He was Lord! Your teen was shown that it doesn’t make sense to believe ...