
Showing posts from October, 2020

Parent Connection - 10.25.2020

  Objective - Students will be encouraged to read and study the Bible which will be fostered by helping them to understand the Bible’s basic structure, how it came to be, and how it lasted through the years. Key Scripture – Hebrews 4:12 Key Thought - Know your spiritual sword. Lesson Summary - Tonight’s lesson was the first lesson in a four-part series called “Swordplay: Wisdom for Wielding the Word.” The four lessons in this series all deal with the Doctrine of the Bible. It was designed to give your students a better understanding of the Bible and how to read and interpret it. We first discussed how we got the Bible. The Bible is unlike any other book, in that it is God’s Word given to mankind through a process called “inspiration.” God used human writers to communicate His Word to us and they wrote down His words accurately and completely. Second, we looked at the Bible’s structure. Your student learned that it has two basic divisions: the Old Testament and the New T...

Parent Connection - 10.11.2020

  Objective - Students will understand the biblical perspective on Gender Dysphoria.   Key Thought ­­- You can’t reassign God’s design   Lesson Summary –   We are in week three of our apologetics module series called “Deconstruction.” This week, we began a two-part lesson dealing with sex, gender, sexual identity, and gender dysphoria.   This is a topic that is getting a lot of press and your students are being confronted with it daily in their schools, social media, television and movies. How to think biblically about the topic is key to accepting God’s design for sexuality, including their own. Here are the key points from this week’s study:   •                Biological sex is based on design, while gender, gender identity, and gender dysphoria are all based on desire. You can’t reassign God’s design. •           ...

Parent Connection - 10.4.2020

  Objective - Students will be given logical and biblical arguments proving that abortion is morally wrong and learn how to show courageous compassion to those who disagree.   Key Thought - Life is valuable, not expendable!   Lesson Summary – This week, the students were given logical and biblical arguments proving abortion is morally wrong and were taught how to show courageous compassion to those who disagree. Our goal was to make sure the students recognized that God values all life, including the unborn. God sees all life as valuable, and not expendable, contrary to what the world would have our students believe. We examined three of the most common, though fundamentally flawed, arguments favoring abortion. We also presented the scientific evidence refuting each of the three arguments.   This subject of abortion brings with it a lot of emotions, especially for those who have had to face it personally; guilt, shame, and grief are all common responses. Rather than...