Parent Connection - 2.23.2020
Turn the Binoculars Around Objective : Students will understand that Darwinian evolution fails to account for the fossil record and will be challenged to test the evidence. Key Scripture : John 3:19-21 Key Thought : What evidence supports your view? Lesson Summary : Tonight’s lesson was the third in a four-part series called “What? A Conversation About Worldviews, Creation, Evolution, Darwin, Consequences, Facts, Faith, Science, Semantics, Finches, Fossils, Microscopes, and Mousetraps.” Christians are often criticized for failing to buy into the monkey to man story of evolution and refusing to come to terms with the “facts.” This week students learned that both Creationists and Evolutionists have the same facts; it’s their worldview that determines what they do with those facts. Students learned that the fossil record is complicated and is not easily explained by any theory. However, the flood offers us a glimpse of why the fossil record is what...