
Showing posts from February, 2020

Parent Connection - 2.23.2020

 Turn the Binoculars Around Objective : Students will understand that Darwinian evolution fails to account for the fossil record and will be challenged to test the evidence. Key Scripture : John 3:19-21 Key Thought : What evidence supports your view? Lesson Summary : Tonight’s lesson was the third in a four-part series called “What? A Conversation About Worldviews, Creation, Evolution, Darwin, Consequences, Facts, Faith, Science, Semantics, Finches, Fossils, Microscopes, and Mousetraps.” Christians are often criticized for failing to buy into the monkey to man story of evolution and refusing to come to terms with the “facts.” This week students learned that both Creationists and Evolutionists have the same facts; it’s their worldview that determines what they do with those facts. Students learned that the fossil record is complicated and is not easily explained by any theory. However, the flood offers us a glimpse of why the fossil record is what...

Parent Article - Parents, Your Kids Need Big Theology

Calling all Christian Parents! At Elevate we believe you are a key part of God's plan for winning and discipling your children. We thought this article might serve as a good challenge/encouragement to someone today, so we thought we would share it here . In the links above Jessica Provencher, a mother of two, gives some practical advice about ways that they built teaching their children theology into their home life. Whether you decide to use Hymns or not, building a home atmosphere that intentionally points students to Jesus on a daily basis is a big deal! We wanted to ask you, what ways have you found that work well for your home? You might be thinking, I am the parent of a high schooler, it is too late for that! Trust us, it is never too late to start intentionally pointing your student to Jesus on a daily basis. If you feel like you have fallen short in this don't let that defeat you! If that is true, repent and get up! Remember a righteous parent falls 7 times...

Parent Connection - 2.16.2020

A Bigger Little World Objective : Students will understand how to have an intelligent conversation about evolution and will be challenged to trust God’s design. Key Scripture : Genesis 1:24-25 Key Thought : What do you mean by that? Lesson Summary : Tonight’s lesson was the second in a four-part series called “What? A Conversation About Worldviews, Creation, Evolution, Darwin, Consequences, Facts, Faith, Science, Semantics, Finches, Fossils, Microscopes, and Mousetraps.” Having conversations with people about evolution (or any other worldview) is difficult. This week, students learned how asking the question “What do you mean by that?” allows them to have an intelligent conversation about evolution without being confrontational. This question helps us get clarity on what other people mean when they use words like “evolution.” People can mean several things when they say the word “evolution.” We focused on the two most common: 1. Microevolution –...

Parent Connection - 2.12.2020

Our All Sufficient God Objective : Students will learn how God knows everything, He is always there, and can bring them through whatever problems they face and will be challenged to depend completely upon Him. Key Scripture : Psalm 91:2 Key Thought : God’s got you. Lesson Summary : Tonight’s lesson is part of a four-lesson series called “Elohim: Stand in Awe.” The word “Elohim” is the Hebrew word for God. During the lesson this week, your student learned how God knows everything, is always there, and can bring them through whatever problems they face. They were challenged to depend completely upon Him. Here are the points we covered: I.     God knows everything (Psalm 139:1-4) II.    God is always there (Psalm 139:7-10) III.   God is all-powerful (Luke 1:37) The challenge in this lesson was to depend upon God because He is not limited like we are. Psalm 91:2 could be a prayer that your student chooses...

Resource - The Bible Project - Holiness

So, we've been talking about God... It seems like a pretty basic thing to be talking about at church right? Well, perhaps we don't stop and really think about who this God IS. The one that we say we know and worship each week what is he really like? We are encouraging you to take a step further into some of these concepts about the God of the Bible and stand in Awe of all He is. Last week we focused on His holiness. If you want to go a bit deeper we highly encourage you to check out the full video from the Bible Project that we touched on last week. - This Holy God is reaching out to you and inviting you to have a relationship with Him today! Pretty incredible! Isn't God awesome?

Parent Connections - 2.9.20

 Looking for Foundations Objective : Students will learn that the Christian worldview provides the foundations for discovering truth and will be challenged to exercise biblical faith. Key Scripture : Colossians 1:16-17 Key Thought : Is that the whole story? Lesson Summary : Tonight’s lesson was the first in a four-part series called “What? A Conversation About Worldviews, Creation, Evolution, Darwin, Consequences, Facts, Faith, Science, Semantics, Finches, Fossils, Microscopes, and Mousetraps.” This week, your student learned about the importance of a worldview. Our worldview is like a pair of glasses we use to view the world. It will determine how things appear, which is why it is critical to have the right worldview! This week we used the question, “Is that the whole story?” to question the worldview of Darwinian Evolution. We debunked the false notion that “Christianity is about blind faith and science is about facts.” Students learned that b...