Parent Connection - January 15, 2020
On What Scale? Objective : Students will learn that their value lies in the fact that they are created in the image of God and be challenged to view themselves as God views them. Key Scripture : Genesis 1:27 Key Thought : You are created in the image of God. Lesson Summary : Tonight’s lesson was the third lesson of a four-part series called “Deal With It: A Biblical Approach to Tough Topics.” The lesson dealt with the tough topic of eating disorders. The students were challenged to measure themselves, not by the standard of culture, but by the way God sees them. We reminded the students of these truths: You were made by God (Genesis 1:26-27; Psalm 139:13-17) You belong to God (1 Corinthians 6:19-20; Romans 14:7-8) You are set free by God (John 8:31-32 & 36) We highlighted three main facts about the idea that we are made by God. We are created . We are created by God . We are created in God’s ...